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Gait and posture

Journal Volume: 58
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2017
Articles in SafetyLit: 21

Clinical measures of balance in people with type two diabetes: a systematic literature review

Crossover study of amputee stair ascent and descent biomechanics using Genium and C-Leg prostheses with comparison to non-amputee control

Dual-task walking over a compliant foam surface: a comparison of people with transfemoral amputation and controls

Dynamic balance changes within three weeks of fitting a new prosthetic foot component

Effect of hearing aids on static balance function in elderly with hearing loss

Factors influencing short-term outcomes for older patients accessing emergency departments after a fall: the role of fall dynamics

Improvements in balance control in individuals with PCS detected following vestibular training: A case study

Kinect-based assessment of lower limb kinematics and dynamic postural control during the star excursion balance test

Quantitative trunk sway and prediction of incident falls in older adults

Quick foot placement adjustments during gait are less accurate in individuals with focal cerebellar lesions

Reliability and validity of a smartphone-based assessment of gait parameters across walking speed and smartphone locations: body, bag, belt, hand, and pocket

Root mean square of lower trunk acceleration during walking in patients with unilateral total hip replacement

Self-esteem recognition based on gait pattern using Kinect

Test-retest reliability of a balance testing protocol with external perturbations in young healthy adults

Texting during stair negotiation and implications for fall risk

The comparison of ground reaction forces and lower limb muscles correlation and activation time delay between forward and backward walking

The effects of haptic input on biomechanical and neurophysiological parameters of walking: A scoping review

The influence of divided attention on walking turns: effects on gait control in young adults with and without a history of low back pain

Virtual obstacle crossing: reliability and differences in stroke survivors who prospectively experienced falls or no falls

Walking behavior over multiple obstacles in people with Parkinson's disease

Walking modality, but not task difficulty, influences the control of dual-task walking